Applied Science

Chapter 7

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Dominik has been to the Old Town Music Store many times, he’s practically a regular.  They have an eclectic collection of rare acoustic instruments but also carry the standard brands of electric gear.  It’s too early for there to be a crowd of regular customers but they’re open and Dominik figures that he and James can talk in private there.  Especially if the owner, Adam, is there.  Adam and Dominik’s parents were friends and Dominik got his first guitar at Old Town.  He’s comfortable around Adam and knows that Adam…read more

Chapter 6

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Dominik sits, drinking tea after eating greasy Chinese takeout at one of only two tables in the place.  While he waits for the check he watches the TV mounted up near the ceiling opposite his table. “That’s right Jean, it does feel like summer.  You’re not imagining it.  And the people of Chicago weren’t imagining it either as they enjoyed an historical high today of 82 degrees.  That’s right!  Could it be global warming?  I don’t know but it did cause a lot of confusion as people stripped down while…read more

Chapter 5

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Dominik wakes up in the hospital.  His vision is blurry, he’s disoriented, and his ears are ringing.  He turns his head slowly to look around and sees a nurse checking his vitals on the monitor.  She notices him looking at her. “Well hello sleepy.  Are you okay?  Can you hear me?” Dominik forces words out of his mouth.  “Yes.  I… Eh…” “Don’t try to talk.  Relax and I’ll get the doctor.” The nurse leaves and returns in a few seconds with the doctor. “Hello mister…”  The doctor looks for the…read more

Chapter 2

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Dominik returns home, his movements very quick and rushed.  He’s cold and realizes he needs a real winter coat, four layers aren’t going to do it this year.  His apartment is a loft, a very large loft in an old warehouse on North Avenue just west of downtown.  It’s not a great neighborhood but he likes living there.  It’s just close enough to everything fun that he can walk or take a bus but far enough from the action that he doesn’t have to listen to yuppie douche bags outside…read more

Chapter 1

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Dominik walks briskly, purposefully, down Clark Street in Chicago’s north side, singing softly to himself in a mock operatic voice. “Burning candles incantations human sacrifice….”  Mimicking guitar riffs with his voice. It’s a very sunny but cold autumn day, a beautiful day.  The kind of day that makes you feel young.  The kind of day when anything can happen.  Dominik has been waiting for weeks to get his hands on a book from a local antique book seller.  Weeks!  How can anyone wait that long for anything?  Dominik can’t remember…read more